I had a very busy morning recently getting things ready for the post office.
At first I was
frustrated by how time consuming it was becoming. Finding the right sized brown paper from an old bag, and which box to
and where was that other old packaging I stored away for re-use?
Then in a magic moment, I became calm. The feel of the crisp brown paper as it folded, the sound of the blade slitting slowly and evenly, wrapping and creasing around the box to fit snug. I tied the parcel with twine and wondered what tricks people had to put their finger on the half-knot, when there wasn’t someone there to do it. Crossing the twine over itself, twist, neat even squares, round two directions of a box, dissected by the pattern of the string that is holding it secure. I felt very satisfied making up a parcel the old fashioned way. Something so lovely in the symmetry and basic materials.
and so my mum gave me some that she had sliced up and sun-dried.
I liked the way they curled into the glass jars, preserved and pungent for a rainy day.
I do love my glass jars.
What rainy day? How
will it ever be consumed? The act of
non-waste, use at any cost – yes, I really did inherit it. My parents are of that war-experienced
generation and are great hoarders. So
this week I also inherited a stash of “woollens for felting”.
And silks.
Some of it was beyond belief that anyone
could hang on to something so broken.
But those holes did have a certain intriguing pattern.
Well felting is a whole other technique I have to take on
one day, so into a new stash it will go.
Stay tuned for the felting post!